I only bring this up because I went to the dentist yesterday for a cleaning. He noted that my wisdom teeth had fully grown in and surprisingly without problem. That must mean that on the evolutionary scale, I probably fall somewhere closer to the Cro-Magnon man than most my age. I guess I have that big jaw that helped Fred Flintstone eat all those Apotosaurus Burgers. (note: the Brontosaurus is fictitious but then again so is Fred Flinstone.)
While I was laying there in the dentist chair, having my routine cleaning, I realized that this must feel a lot like waterboarding. Not only am I forced into an uncomfortable chair, reclined with mouth wide open, but I have a drill-like supersonic cleaner scraping against my gums spraying water down my throat choking me. And worst of all, I have to look straight into the eyes of the mad man himself while he approaches with the SCRAPER. I'm sure dentists have grown to ignore this fearful look in their patient's eyes, but I guess they would have to when their profession has the highest suicide rate. (This is actually just a myth, all professions are equally worth killing yourself over.)
Heres a little something to think about while you feel sorry for all the dentists in their deep depressions and dropping like flies from suicide (even if not true most believe it). Its a wonder they can keep a roof over their heads.
From the ADA:
What is a dentist's average net income?
The average net income for an independent private practitioner who owned all or part of his or her practice in 2004 was $185,940 for a general practitioner and $315,160 for a specialist.
That has got to be my song. I've been to the dentist more times than I can count and have always hated it. The comparison to
wb-ing is perfect.
did you see the apparatus that Willy Wonka's dad dentist made him wear?
that would have been great for an image...i completely forgot about that reference...i can't seem to find a picture of it online
Another anti-dentite!
I've been blogging about Why People Hate Dentists. Your post falls into the comedic rant category.
Here's a link - http://www.smilesensation.com/toronto-dentist-blog/top-10-reasons-people-hate-dentists/
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